Recently here in Vera a holiday was celebrated that is only here and in another handful of cities in the area but not all over Almería, nor Andalucía, nor España. It’s called Día de la Vieja. The day of the old lady! This day is celebrated out in the campo (country), eating, drinking and being merry. Literally! Students rarely show up to school on this day and after work around 2 pm everyone heads out to the campo to eat and drink. Later on there are piñata’s of old ladies placed in the middle of the country and everyone begins to throw rocks at them. Eventually the old lady is demolished and the candy breaks out from the inside and the children all run to grab the candy. And that is Día de la Vieja. Now aside from those wonderful things, I have no idea how this day became and why it is only celebrated in our area. Most people have probably never heard of it. Here is a photo I grabbed from google which resembles both the old lady displayed in the field, and the one I saw at our school that was being taken out to the campo.
I have unfortunately been sick and was unable to experience “Día de la Vieja”. The past few weekends I have been enjoying myself here in Vera (as usual). It is really going to be weird coming home after having this be my first “home”!
The other night made me really realize how unique this experience is and how different my town is from other big cities. My friends and I decided to go out for Tapas on a Monday night and it was about 10:30pm. We were walking towards a place and when we got there the chairs were being stacked and we asked them if they were closing. The said yes and then hesitated. After a few minutes they let us come in and opened just for us. We walked in and they locked the door. That's something that rarely happens were people will open just for you! I also have cafes that know my order and even though after perhaps a long time of going to Starbucks I could get them to know my order but it's not the same.
This weekend we have the Medieval Fair here again which I have wandered around! We also have had GREAT weather and I think we are finally over the "cold" hump. I have spent a few days at the beach and even went swimming in the ocean ... although it was quite cold! Starting to realize that I will actually miss my first real home!
I have pictures I still need to post and will hopefully get those up soon! Until then ... Hasta luego!
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